Polar Clock written in Javascript using Canvas Tag

The Demo

You must have a modern browser that supports the <canvas> tag in order for this to work.

The Code

    function clock(){
        // get current time from client
        var now = new Date();
        // get 2D context from the canvas element
        var ctx = document.getElementById('clockCanvas').getContext('2d');
        // You'll see a save and restore all over the place. These are because we
        // are redrawing the entire image every time, so we have to save the existing
        // state of the canvas and then add our other shape and then restore what we 
        // saved.
        // this rotates the canvas so that the arcs we draw will start at the middle
        // top rather than horizontally.
        // sets the width of all lines we're going to draw
        ctx.lineWidth = 18;
        // gives our lines a rounded edge.
        // it also supports "butt" and "square"
        ctx.lineCap = "round";
        // I wanted to get a smooth movement so I'm basing all time measurments off
        // of the millisecond and building partial seconds and minutes by adding the
        // smaller increment to the larger one. For example getting current millisecond
        // count and adding that to the current second to build a partial second.
        var milliSec = now.getMilliseconds();         
        var sec = now.getSeconds();
        sec = milliSec/1000+sec;
        var min = now.getMinutes();
        min = sec/60 + min;
        // this is a 24 hour clock
        var hr  = now.getHours();
        // if you uncomment the following line, it'd become a 12 hour clock.
        // hr = hr>=12 ? hr-12 : hr;
        hr = min/60 + hr;
        var dow = now.getDay() + 1;
        var day = now.getDate();
        var month = now.getMonth() + 1;
        // turn times into percentages
        var secPer = sec/60;
        var minPer = min/60;
        // if you wanted a 12 hour clock, you'd have to change this to 12 too.
        var hrPer = hr/24;
        var dowPer = dow/7;
        var monthPer = month/12;
        var dayPer = 0;
        // handles the fact that there are different amount of total days in different months
        if (month == 2){
            dayPer = day/29;
        else if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12){
            dayPer = day/31;
        else {
            dayPer = day/30;
        // call the functions that draw each arc and pass in the radius of the circle we want
        // and the calculated percentages from above.
    // draws arcs and sets color based on percentages
    function writeTime(ctx,radius,per){
        ctx.strokeStyle = calculateColor(per);
    // turns a percentage into an RGB color string
    function calculateColor(per){
        var brightness = 255;
        var red = 0;
        var green = 0;
        var blue = 0;
        blue = per * brightness;
        green = brightness - blue;
        result = 'rgba('+ Math.round(red) + ',' + Math.round(green) + ',' + Math.round(blue) + ',1)';
        return result;
    // helper function for partial circles          
    function partialCircle(ctx,x,y,rad,percentage){
        return ctx;
    // call the function repeatedly. 66 is the equivalent of about 15 frames per second
    // this seemed enough to make the animation look smooth look without overdoing it.